Friday, October 26, 2012

What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger: The 3-Day, Day One


So where even to begin? Let's just say the song by Kelly Clarkson "Stronger" describes how I feel about today. Starting off the day we have hilarious videos of ourselves before the race on the way to Sand Key Park in Clearwater this morning that describe our mood beforehand perfectly (I will upload these when I get home Sunday night as promised!) The first thing that we did was the morning stretch, which I now know that I should have done way more of. After they had people come out who were survivors and family members of those who have passed. I told myself I wasn't going to cry, I'm guessing you probably can figure out that thirty seconds into the ceremony I was in tears. It was very inspirational and made me think of my mom and our journey this past year. We started actually walking at 8:04AM and we had different checkpoints along the way, which I will attach pictures of. Everyone was so encouraging along the way, which Madison and I both agree helped way more than we had originally thought. People from the area came out and played music, gave words of inspiration, and handed out things from bubble gum to water bottles to cold ice packs. Some people even had sun tan lotion spots so that we didn't completely burn. When we finished our 20 miles it was 3:19PM and I had never been so happy to see a bus to camp. Any area of my legs and back were throbbing with pain and I wasn't sure I was going to make it the last couple of miles. It definitely is not a race for sissies, but what shocked me the most? The fact that people in wheelchairs, braces, and people over the age of 60 were walking the ENTIRE way. It amazes me how much patience and dedication they have. So far it has been exhausting, but nothing less than an amazing experience. I will hopefully be back on here writing about day two tomorrow evening! Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers, you guys are awesome :)!
Us at 6:30AM waiting to start! (It was chilly outside)
At the 11 mile marker for lunch! Thanks Panera Bread!

The sign when we hit the 20 mile marker!

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