Hey all!
So I am starting a new blog series called "Wifey Wednesday" which will encompass all things wedding for now until I am an official wife next May :). I have had a lot of people asking me to put up things we are working on for the wedding, and while some things I want to remain a surprise until the big day, others I would love to share! Going from DIY projects, to the experiences of wedding planning, to organizational tips, or personal challenges: this series will encompass them all! So whether you are in a relationship, engaged, already a wife, or single and just love to read about all things weddings, join me on this journey!
First topic, the dreaded wedding workouts. In the fitness department, I am no guru, but I would love to share what I have been working on. Hard core crash dieting and intense workouts are typical of the modern day bride, however I am not that gal. I love food. Sorry bout it. I have been trying to eat less of certain things and adding more healthy alternatives into my diet, but I have read SO many times about how a lot of people just try to completely cut out all bad things and it doesn't work! Read example
here. Or an article in
People magazine from Cameron Diaz where she said even she splurges! Anyways so slowly I have been cutting back on things that I am superrrrrrr addicted to like soda, ice cream, cookies. It is hard coming home from a stressful day at school or work and all you want is to munch down on cookies. And since I don't drink coffee, the caffeine in a cherry coke is all I wanted at the end of a long clinical day to get me home. But now that I am no longer in nursing school, and on my way to a wedding in nine months, I am cracking down a little harder. Yep I still enjoy dessert and soda, but I have been working really hard on getting back to the number and shape I was in the Spring semester before the craziness of my final internship, final exams, and graduation kicked into gear. I stepped onto the scale after graduation, and was at the top of where I wanted to be. Not over, but at the top. But now I have added a more routine fitness plan into my weekly life. An ATTAINABLE plan. Which by the way looks different for everyone.
For me, I tell myself: as long as I don't get to xyz number on the scale I'm good. That could mean different things for different people. Whatever you're comfortable with, thats cool. But now as I am wanting to look good in my wedding dress, but also my bathing suits (I mean come on we are going to Bora Bora for our honeymoon) its becoming less about the number and more about the inches. Now I'm not like "OMG I
HAVE to have this small of a dress" or "I want to be a size 00".
Attainable goals, remember? For me its about looking healthy but not heavy and actually maintaining my clothing size and weight goal, not making it smaller and smaller as the day approaches. So I started working out more. This last week alone, I wanted to get back into the routine of running. I have NEVER been a hard core runner, but love participating in 5Ks and different races for good causes like Moffitt's annual Miles for Moffitt. I ran a 5K for 5 days in a row: #5Daysof5Ks. After the first day, I set an overall goal for the end of the 5 days and a goal for the next day. Each day my time got faster. My original goal was to be at less than a 10 minute mile. My first day I ended at 36:42. By the last day I was down to 30:49! A 9:56 minute mile! Now some people can run a 5K in like a ridiculously fast time, but this was something I put my mind to and did it! I made no excuses and every morning woke up, walked Nike, and headed to the gym. By the end of the last day, it got SO much easier and I felt SO much better. Trust me on the third and forth day, I did NOT want to go to the gym. My time of the month came, I felt like crap, I was tired, I was sore, but I DID it. Every day for the full 5 days in a row! Confidence is key.
So what do you suggest as a good cardio workout? Do you set little goals to help get you through the workout plan?
I did this, you can do it too! Walk the 5K, jog the 5K, sprint the 5K. Whatever makes YOU feel better and gives you a good workout. Try the #5Daysof5Ks and let me know how it goes! I am excited to do my next post about my Save the Dates and DIY ideas for that department. Let me know what you want to read about with my wedding plans!
Thanks for keeping up,
Olivia :)