Overall I really enjoyed the book. It didn't seem dragging or repetitive, and I never thought "okay how much more ridiculous could this book get" like I did with Gone Girl (because srsly guys that book was straight up crazy). I would give it a 7.5/10 because it wasn't THE BEST BOOK EVER. I enjoyed it, but it wasn't mind blowing good like Nineteen Minutes. If you liked Gillian Flynns writing style in Sharp Objects, you'd like this book. It had a similar vibe but I still liked Sharp Objects the best of the trio that Flynn has offered up to the reading world this far.
So b.t.dubbs this book has a movie. However it was only released in France? #why. Super annoying. They were supposed to release it in the US before Gone Girl and keep pushing it back. If you've read the book, they have Chloe Grace Mortez from If I Stay as Diondra. Lol no. Maybe that's why they haven't released it yet. Next up on my list is the second Maze Runner book The Scortch Trials which I'm excited about! So have you guys read anything worth adding to my list? Or have you read any of Gillian Flynns book and have a difference of opinion? Let me know!
Thanks for reading with me,
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