
Monday, July 30, 2018

#BookWorm: Unbroken

Hello fellow readers,

I’ve been working on the book Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand for a bit now and while we were on our big trip, I finally finished it! It didn’t take me a long time because it wasn’t a good read, it’s just been a crazy couple of months for us! This book is a biography (a favorite genre of mine) about Louie Zamperini who was an Olympic runner. This is the story of his life. What draws people in, is that he was drafted into World War II and served as in the Air Force. While working in the Air Force, his plane crashed and he survived on an inflatable raft for 46 days. Yes you read that right, FORTY SIX!! After that he was taken by the Japanese and became a Prisoner of War for over two years. He was beaten, lived in horrendous conditions and almost starved to death at times. It definitely makes the message never give up resound even more. 

His story is incredible. If you are a Christian, it is even more so incredible. I highly recommend this book. It is hard to rank someone's life story, so this rating is more just about the way it read than the content as obviously the content was amazing and so inspiring. Overall I’d say it’s a 9/10. It’s not a full 10 only because at times different names were used for the same person and it got a little confusing. It also was at times repetitive as far as one situation begins told and then the same exact part of his life being retold again later. I won’t give away too much, but it is really really good. The movie for this book came out in 2014, which my family saw on Christmas Day that year, but I wasn’t with them. I’m looking forward to watching it! 

Have you all read this book, watched the movie or heard the story of Louie? I would love to discuss with some people. Let me know if the movie is worth watching in your opinion! Next I’m heading back to read some YA stuff before I jump into another few heavy books that are on my list. I’m looking forward to utilizing the library a lot this summer! Keep giving me books to borrow and sending me suggestions to read! I love it!!

Thanks for reading with me,
- Olivia :)

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