
Thursday, October 1, 2015

#BookWorm: The Testing

Hello fellow readers!

Last week I finished reading a new book called The Testing by Joelle Charbonneau. It is dystopian novel similar to The Hunger Games, Maze Runner, Divergent, and The Giver in my opinion. The premise of the book is about a girl named Cia who lives in a colony called Five Lakes, a small colony formed after the Seven Stages of War occurred. The colony's families have one goal: get your child to be chosen for The Testing so they may have entrance into The University to study and help repair the broken world around them. The Testing consists of four sections: written, problem solving, teamwork, and physical travel. Those who make it through all four stages are interviewed and if they pass the interview, they can study at the prestigious University. Cia's father was chosen for the testing, and so Cia has always dreamed of proving to her family that she can change the world, since her four other brothers did not get chosen. Well, Cia does get chosen for The Testing, however before she leaves on her big adventure her father warns her about the dangers of Tosu City and The Testing that he experienced many years ago.

This book was incredible. Yes, I said incredible. Although I have read all of The Hunger Games, Divergent, and Maze Runner books and recognized similar themes to those books in The Testing, this book stands on its own. It has a good plot line, a lead character you love, and great supporting characters as well as important themes. Overall I would give it a 9/10. It isn't quite up to Divergent or The Hunger Games, both series I would overall rank a 9.5/10 overall. However, it is pretty dang close. Another thanks suggested reads for this page turner! I can definitely see this book turning into a movie in the next few years. I would hope producers would give it the same chance they gave these other dystopian, post apocalyptic series because I think it would be a hit. I have the other two books of the series on my Amazon wishlist and am hoping to purchase them in the next months!

I have one final book to read from my massive stack that I got over this year, isn't that crazy! The book is Elixir by the one and only Hilary Duff! My middle school role model. Okay and still is basically. I love her. Anyways, I am going to have to have my mom bring me some books from Florida to keep myself busy until I can afford to do an Amazon order ;). My friends have made comments about the mass amount of books I have been going through, however take a book loving girl who has worked two jobs the past five years and give her four weeks of free time and a fresh stack of new reads and this is what you get: lots of #BookWorm posts :). Once I am back to work in a week and a half, my reading will slow down I am sure! So send some suggestions that I can add to my Amazon wishlist as the holidays are just around the corner! Have any of you heard of the book The Testing? If so and you have read it, what did you think? Do you feel it could stand on its own in the blockbuster world with the rest of the similar series? Voice your opinion! I would love to hear!

Thanks for reading with me,
- Olivia :)

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