
Friday, September 11, 2015

My Random Addictions: Binge Watching TV Shows

Hey guys!

Another random addiction of mine: binge  watching TV shows. This has always been something that I love to do, starting with Gilmore Girls back in 7th grade. But in more recent years with the start of Netflix and HuluPlus people have the ability to do this way easier and cheaper than buying every season of their favorite shows (not kidding I have a lot of TV shows on DVD). Some of my favorite shows to binge watch on Netflix are listed below as suggestions for those of you who are looking for a new show!

1) Gossip Girl
Still haven't finished all of this but tend to watch half a season at a time. You can only get so much one person sleeping with the other person then cheating on their cousin's, brother's, ex-fiancé's mom. But it is interesting in small doses.
2) One Tree Hill
BEST SHOW OF ALL TIME. Hands down. Takes place in NC. I'm in the process of re-watching this with Madi and it is even better than I remembered. OTH is based on a small town brotherhood with a twist. And it has basketball at the center. And was filmed in Wilmington, NC. And the brothers are Chad Michael Murray and James Lafferty (swoon).  Can't get much better!

3) Hart of Dixie
If you like The O.C. and One Tree Hill, this is for you. It's with Rachel Bilson and was on the CW about a doctor who moves from NYC to Alabama to take over her late father's practice. It's quirky, romantic, and hilarious all wrapped into one. Rachel Bilson does such a good job and so does the rest of the cast. Jamie King is in it too, and she is also incredible.
4) New Girl
Have you ever watched this show? It's hilarious. Always keeps you laughing. I watched all of the seasons in like three months. So sad. But so funny. 
5) Parenthood
Currently I am watching through Parenthood, which is SO good. It only ended this year in January but they have all the seasons available, I'm pretty sure. Bomb.

6) Gilmore Girls
Saving the best for last obviously. If you love Lauren Graham in Parenthood, you'll love her even more in her first big hit show Gilmore Girls. If you've never seen an episode, you're missing out. This is a show about a single mother and her teenage daughter growing up in a small town. It's amazing.
Those are my favorites thus far. Have you watched all of those? Well you are a well enlightened Netflixer in my book. Any suggested shows to binge watch? I will keep adding to my list as I have three more weeks til I'm back to work  full time :)

Thanks for reading,
- Olivia 

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