Hey fellow readers!
So this working overtime a lot thing has taken over my ability to post as frequently as I'd like but I figured I would catch you up with what I've been reading.
Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn was my most recent read and if you though
Gone Girl was messed up, this book is pretty messed up. It's an easier read than
Gone Girl just by the fact that it's written in the view of one person instead of going back and forth between two. The premise of the story is that a journalist returns to her hometown to write and article on the recent killings of two young girls and comes upon issues with her past. But there are weird things about the murders, like the killer took out their teeth. The story definitely captures your attention and at times you're like okay really how much crazy can you get in one book? But it's pretty crazy. And right when you think you've figured it out, you're wrong. Trust me it was crazy.
Overall I'd give it an 8/10. It's a thriller for sure and if you liked Gone Girl you'll like this book. If you didn't, but you like mysteries you will probably still like it because it is a different writing style. But it is messed up that's for sure.
Up next I'm almost done with The Maze Runner book 1. It's taken me some time but so far so good and I'm looking forward to the movie. I definitely added Dark Places by Gillian Flynn to my list and the other Maze Runner books in the series. Have you guys read any of these books? Any more suggestions to add to my list?
Thanks for reading with me :)
- Olivia
Nice post!