
Tuesday, July 8, 2014

#BookWorm: Nights in Rodanthe

Hey everyone,

So I finished another book that wasn't originally on my summer reading list, but I picked it up and breezed through it anyways. It wasn't super long, about 200 some pages, but it was good! Again another Nicholas Sparks book I hadn't read. Shocker, I know. My mom is obsessed with the movie, and tried to get me to watch it one, but I fell asleep after they arrived at Rodanthe. So not very long into the movie... It wasn't boring or anything, I just have a hard time watching movies at night. Anyways so the book was pretty good! As always Nicholas Sparks throws in a depressing part, but overall I liked it. The things I didn't like were the fact that he would switch between characters super frequently, like sometimes even in the same paragraph. It wasn't really all that confusing, but it was kind of annoying at times. I also didn't like the ending. At all. I found it kind of dumb the main female character's outlook on life after her "time in Rodanthe" and how it changed her forever and yadah-yadah. I get that it would impact you, but I don't know just read the book and tell me how you feel about it. However, I did like the background story of the male lead, and found it interesting and true to today's world. His issues happen so often and so I find it relevant and something I would want to read about. I thought the sounded awesome, and after doing some research via Google, I found out it's real! Like actually exists! They moved it like 400 feet closer to the water for the movie, but it was a real place. Suuuuper cool. I guess a couple was so obsessed with the book and movie that they bought it. That my friends, is dedication. And maybe a little crazy. Overall I would probably give this book a 7/10. A passing grade, but not as fabulous as others.

So what did you think of Nights in Rodanthe? Have you read the book? Would you reccommend it? Currently, I am reading A Stolen Life: A Memoir by Jaycee Dugard and omg its amazing. Like so amazing. And disturbing. But it's real and that is the part that blows my mind. Don't worry, I'll let you all know how it is without spoilers when I finish!

Thanks for reading,
- Olivia :)

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