
Tuesday, May 27, 2014

{Real Talk} The Meaning Behind the Title

Hello bloggers,

So when people ask me what the title of my blog means, I always direct them to the about section. But then a few people have asked, yeah you want people to say their thoughts and not hit the literal backspace button, but what does that actually mean? No one had really asked me that before, so I guess this is where I decided to explain it more in depth. I have always wanted to live my life with no regrets, #NORAGRETS (for all of those We're the Millers fans out there, thanks Dan for showing me that movie), but my meaning of living life with no regrets is different than most people that I know. Most people my age are all about the trend #YOLO; the partying, drinking, doing crazy things, because "you only live once". To me, I take that literally: you only live once. So why waste your life doing things that get you no where? To be honest, 90% of my friends party to a degree. But they know that while I will join them every once in a while (mostly to be DD and make sure they're okay) I have no desire to have that constant lifestyle. My version of that means to do positive things. Not things your liver, lungs, and brain cells will hate you for later. Volunteer, give back, do things to help other people. Coach a team, surprise someone with a gift, make a difference. What do you want to be remembered for? That person who graduated from high school and college but never grew out of the partying phase? Or that person who touched the lives of the people around them. Because trust me, it's hard to have a reputation for both.

When I was in middle school I went to a camp where the theme was "Live Like You Mean It". Apart from coming home with a crush and  eventually new long distance middle school boyfriend, that phrase has always stuck with me. I actually have the t-shirt and it still fits! That is what YOLO means to me, you want to live, like you mean it. Don't get me wrong, I like to have fun and no I'm not anti-alcohol or whatever. I don't look down on people who do party or whatever because like I said, most of them are my friends. Many of them my close friends. But that just isn't how I want to live my life. The constant array of parties. It's not for me.

Why? You may ask. A lot of people would answer: oh because you're a goody two shoes or oh it's because your religious right? Actually neither of those are the reason. I don't consider myself a goody two shoes, because I still love and embrace people who do that instead of sticking up my nose to them. And trust me if you think that I am judge-y or biased to people, I recently won biggest sweetheart at work. A place with all different kinds of college kids, many of whom party, but I have shared my outlook to them and while we agree to disagree it's not something that would make me care about them as a person any less. And yes, thank you genius I am religious, but opposite from what people think I don't not participate in those activities because I am afraid I will go to hell. I actually think it is a waste of time and a waste of your brain cells. I have met so many people in life, especially being in the healthcare field who are now dying of diseases caused by their partying years: smoking (yup even hookah counts: look it up), drinking, having tons of unprotected sex. It all has destroyed their lives. And yes I could die from something that isn't caused by one of those things, while someone who has done all of them could outlive me by a long shot, I would just rather not take that added risk. Anyways that is what I mean when I say "don't hit the backspace button": don't live your life in a way where you are going to regret things. I hate when people say "I wish I would have done this differently" or "if I could change one thing about my past it would be xyz" because there is a reason and a plan for everything. Whether you are religious or not, it's the truth. So the next time you are about to do something whether it's drink so much you black out, have sex with a stranger, or even just something you're unsure of, think about what the future consequences could be.

This weekend my younger brother is graduating from high school. And apart from the fact it just makes me realize how old I am and how proud I am of him, it also makes me think about that moment when I transitioned from high school to college. Everything changes. For all you graduating high school seniors, this is the time to think about what direction you want your life to go. Think about it when someone offers you a random drink at your first college party. Think about it when you are close to hooking up with a guy you barely know.

So what do you think? Do you feel like you have lived your life to the fullest? Share your opinion, I'd love to hear. And don't take this as I am "preaching at you", because I don't do that. You clicked on this page and read this post, remember? You go out there and live your version of #NORAGRETS but this is what it means for me. (And yes I am a little obsessed with that movie).

Thanks for keeping up,
- Olivia

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