
Friday, October 18, 2013

You Wanna Big Kitty? You Better Work, Work: Chattanooga, TN and Pet Peeves 3

Hello everyone!

You're probably wondering about the title of this blog, and if you weren't now you probably looked at it and are wondering. Well here we go! This weekend I spent my time with my favorite little sister and future mother-in-law in one of my favorite places: Chattanooga, TN. This trip was a little different than our other trips, and by a little I mean a lot! We did some of our typical things like go shopping at my favorite place McKay's and eat Lupi's pizza, but we also did A LOT of new things. The first day we left super early and arrived in TN around 3pm. Pretty soon after we headed out to Lookout Mountain and went to Rock City and did some exploring on the trails up there including Lover's Leap and the swinging bridge: freaky! At the top of Lover's Leap you can see seven different states which was so cool! It was a place I had never gone to before, so it was a nice change. While taking our typical five million pictures, Sondra and I were approached by and Asian man who said "you are so beautiful girls, how you say beautiful? yes beautiful can I have a picture with you?" and called over who I thought was his wife to take a picture with him. Unfortunately, we were too stunned to whip out our cameras and film this occurrence, but we did find the guy later and asked for a picture with him again for our blog site and vlog series. He said yes of course! Sexy American Girlfriend! Anyone? Anyone? Long duck dong, Sixteen Candles? Anyways whether or not you get the reference it was a hilarious experience.

That night we headed to Ruby Falls to partake in the Haunted Cavern which they have every year. I am not big on scary Halloween things, hence why we go to Disney and not Howl-O-Scream or Halloween Horror Nights, but I was up for trying new things. Little did I know that this little cute haunted cavern was actually ranked top ten scariest in the nation. Awesome. You literally travel down into the cavern as if you would on a normal day visiting the cave and there is no other way out except to go through the haunted cavern. Trust me I checked. After making it through round one, we got taken by a van to another section outside that you had to walk through creepy houses, mirrored halls, and a disheveled school bus. Let's say I was happy I faced my fear, but I will not be visiting those caves again, even outside of Halloween time.

The next day we woke up and headed back to the mountain, this time to go to the park at the top and walk around the trails. When we arrived, there was a nice sign saying due to the government shut down the park is not in operation blah blah blah. Dumb. Not to mention we saw a lot of people climbing over the stone wall to get in anyways (check out our video) So since we had already paid the metered parking, we decided to walk around and look at the houses on the mountain: can I say GORGEOUS?! It was so beautiful up there, and turned out to be a great morning! Next we headed to the farm at the bottom of the mountain and did the corn maize: clever pun. It was so much fun and a new experience. They also had a petting zoo for kids, but we had fun with that too! After being in the hot sun all afternoon we were tuckered out for the day and decided to go ahead and go back to the hotel and do McKay's that night. Overall the trip was so much fun as usual! Of course we caught our memories on tape and made a new Pet Peeves video! This will reveal the blog title! Please take a minute and watch it, let us know what you think as you all always do! And subscribe to us :)

Here's the link:

Thanks for reading :),

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